About Me

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Devin General is a lazy seventeen year-old who was born at a ratty hospital in an industrially destroyed city in Southern Ontario. He has an unhealthy obsession with Canadian indie rock band Metric, and is currently sitting at his computer waiting desperately for the pre-order to arrive. He plays video games in his spare time (Devin needs a life), and likes to criticize things that he might not have the right to criticize. His greatest enemy in life is Pitchfork Media, the ultimate indie snob.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Metric - `Fantasies` Advance Preview

In light of a recent album leak (which I hope none of you participated in), Metric posted their full, 100% completed fourth album, Fantasies, for listen on their MySpace page. Because MySpace is not an ideal place to go into an in-depth analysis of an album and review it, I`ll just be posting my first impression of the tracks until my legal digital download or physical copy arrives sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Help I`m Alive: First single and album opener, `Help I`m Alive`, is an interesting piece of work. This song has been heavily promoted by the band and made a surprising impact on Canadian modern rock radio. The song seems to betray Emily`s belief that this record conveys a sense of optimism, though it definitely represents the simplicity that Metric is striving for with Fantasies. The first verse and chorus simply repeat themselves before the song closes at almost five minutes in length. Not the best writing this band has ever done, but its a capable song that will be remembered as one of Metric`s greats.

Sick Muse: It`s not often Metric writes songs about romance, but the lyrics to the second track `Sick Muse`certainly imply the romantic touch this album has given: `Watch out Cupid stuck me with a sickness`. It`s a very energetic piece with surprisingly little use of synths, a strong point of this band.

Satellite Mind: Another one of my personal favourites. Excellent writing, and lots of wicked energy. This is also one of the few songs on the record that doesn`t appear to have undergone major changes throughout its development.

Twilight Galaxy: I adore this song! Fantasies is ripe with hot, intense energy, so its nice to hear a song that takes a moment to slow shit down and propel a nice ballad, something I haven`t heard from Metric since `Calculation (Theme)`. Really synth-y, and clever writing make this a song I`m itching to download but can`t, as it goes against my values: `Did I ask you for attention, when affection is what I need`

Gold Guns Girls: Emily Haines picks up a guitar! It`s true! Definitely one of `Fantasies`guitar heavy tracks, `Gold Guns Girls`questions all of the people in the world who are too difficult to please. Another example of excellent writing. It really is a great song, but I could do without all of the extra guitars. More isn`t always better.

Gimme Sympathy: Fans will be torn between this song. If you liked the original version that was also known as (The Hooks), then you will be extremely disappointed, because it was completely re-written and re-shaped into something totally new. I love it. It`s real sunshine-y day, convertible top down material.

Collect Call: Another calm little ballad, and another weirdly romance-themed track. To be totally honest, it took a few listens before this one grew on me. Reminds me of `Live It Out`s `Police and the Private`, which is a good thing, because that was one of the previous album`s stand-out tracks.

Front Row: Grey`s Anatomy knows how to choose its tunes. `Front Row`is an excellent piece of indie-rock, praising the burnouts who still make an impact in people`s lives: ``Burnout stars, they shine so bright``.

Blindness: Another standout track, `Blindness` glorifies the reluctant heroine: ``I was the blindfold, who never complained``. I love the crescendo from a single guitar and Haines`haunting vocals to an explosion of instrumentation as Emily inwardly groans about the life she leads.

Stadium Love: In proper Metric fashion, they leave listeners with a fist-pumping anthem as an album closer. You can tell that this song was meant for the stage, and in that sense, it represents what Metric is as a band: meant for the stage. It exhausts a very special energy that leaves you wanting to hear more but realizing the album is over.

Overall, Fantasies is shaping up to be the best album this band has ever put out. It is also the album that has the come the closest to being able to capture Metric`s dangerous live energy. Look for it on April 7th, 2009 across Canada and the United States.

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